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Cheat Codes for Conquest of the New World
Hmmm into cheating are you? Well there are NO/ZERO codes in the original Conquest of the New World game, but the deluxe version of Conquest of the New World has some, but i dont have it the deluxe version of Conquest of the New World thus I cannot test the following cheat codes, so use them at your own risk, and don't blame me if they don't work or crash your computer.
Cheats for the Deluxe Version
!Use these at your own risk!
quicks= higher movement rates
cheapu = half unit costs
cheapb = half building costs
produc = building production doubled
leader= better leaders
loadmp = edit your map
Enter one of the above codes at the main screen to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Level 4 Native colonies
When editing a scenario you can make level 4 Native
colonies. First, choose a European country. Click on
"Create" and switch the building level to 4.
Then, switch back to the Native player.
Click on "Create", and any buildings you build should
be at level 4