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Free Donation Directory - Hunger

Here is a list of free click sites that pretain to hunger.

Hunger is a worldwide problem. Most developing nations have skyrocketing birth rates and declineing deaths, meaning each day there are more and more mouths to feed. Nations like Ethiopia, in Africa, have frequent famines which have killed many. Please click them as often as you can each week.

Note that if some of the sites are not in english they are properly marked.

Feed South Africa - Feed South Africa/ was created in 1998 to feed poor South Africans. 90% of the funds gathered are used on existing programs and 10% is used on new ones and administration costs. It currently is trying to increase awareness of their program and are planning new progams like clotheSA and educateSA. Remember click the the plate to donate!

The Hunger Site - The Hunger Site is one of the most popular free click sites and it's the first one i visited. They donate directly to Mercy Corps for international hunger problems and America's Second Harvest to ease American hunger.

Hungry - Hungry's sponsers will donate $25.00 for every 1000 visitors. They help one child at a time to provide him or her with food, medication and vital necessities.

Stop the Hunger - Each sponsor pledges to give 1/4, $0.25, cent per donation. If there are 12 sponsors on the donation page, one donation equals 3 cents, which equals roughly one pound of food as distributed by America's Second Harvest.

Voedselhulp - This site is in DUTCH! Don't stop that from keeping you from going. Click the Gratis Doneren button then click the "doneer gratis een maaltijd" button.

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