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Buying Conquest of the New World Info
Its a little hard to find a copy of Conquest of the New World with a paper manual, so I spent some time to find some places that still stock the game. Most of these copies of Conquest of the New World have the manual on the disc. I haven't seen a copy of Conquest of the New World in a brick and mortar store in like 5 years, so I would strictly advise against trying to find it in a bargin bin. Personally if I would buying CNW I would choose Chips and Bits because it helps this site stay alive and you know you'll get something that works. If your tight on cash you should try to grab a copy off of Ebay, but you'll have to monitor it to make sure that you don't lose it! Also I came across Conquest of the New World 2 at Chips and Bits which you should not pre-order at least not yet.
EDIT: 4/16/03 CNW does not work and will not work on XP. The best thing you can do is look for a DOS emulator, i'm currently searching.
486 DX/66
Fast 486 recommended
16M recommended
30MB hard drive space
60MB for full install.
30M recommended
!A DOS operating system is REQUIRED!. If you have Windows 98 or lower you have it.
The game will not run on XP!
Places to Buy
Unknown? Send me a link if you find a reputable store (online preferably) that still carries the game, and has it in stock.