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Conquest of the New World Central
Welcome to Conquest of the New World Central a website about the strategy computer game Conquest of the New World by Interplay.
Conquest of the New World Central features:
If you don't know what Conquest of the New World is please click here and scroll down to find out or explore the website.
If you came here to find historical stuff go back to your search engine and try to make your search less ambiguous.
Choose one of the links on the side-bar. If there's some thing you can't find an answer to feel free to ask me. Oh, this site will NEVER host pirated software.
News of Conquest of the New World Central
7/9? Okay I had a MAJOR power outage for a few days. I'm going to be adding something soon to Conquest of the New World Central.
6/21 Visit the other sites on other strategy and simulation computer games.
5/11/03 Bran-new format.
4/4/03 New formatt :) hope you like it... This layout should load MUCH faster than the old one. It took me ages to make it work so don't insult it.
3/30/03 Added a few new features. Oh and the side-bar doesn't look abnormally thin anymore. :)
3/24/03 Updated entire site.
3/23/03 I fixed some navigation issues.
3/8/03 Visit the forums!
3/6/03 Reconnected strategy and simulation computer games sites. I updated all the pages with fresh information enjoy!
3/5/03 Disconnected strategy and simulation computer games my sites due to the fact that they are irrelevant. New stuff being made.
2/16/03 Finished Forum & Connected my gaming sites
2/6/03 Got a domain!!!! Expanding into other stuff now... Send me stuff
1/27/03 New Layout...
1/22/03 Updated a couple pages you can sign my new guest book 3/6/03 the guest book hasn't been working so I removed it. It will be added to the bar thing next time I have a larger update.
1/20/03 Finished moving AGAIN! Well at least this time is only took about 10 minutes less because of the lack of bugs.
1/20/03 Happy Martian Luther King Day! I FINALLY added the combat page, it's a bit light on content though. I'm thinking of translating a couple pages into German or French due to the fact that there is a European version of Conquest of the New World. Oh and we've moved hosts, I'm pretty sure this one has NO pop ups!!!* Also I'm thinking on making the site use frames so I don't need to Copy and Paste the side bar manually anymore. Oh and most of the images are broken (besides on this page) sorry. I'll have that fixed next update
*Except for the dot TK one.
1/3/03 Happy New Year :)... I'm in the process of moving the site to a new host, www.cnworldcentral.tk will take you automatically to it if your visit again.
Fans of the computer game Conquest of the New World from Interplay can browse through tips, help, strategies, links, download patches and saved games for Conquest of the New World.
What is Conquest of the New World?
Conquest of the New World is a DOS computer game created by Quicksilver and marketed by Interplay in 1996. This strategy computer game is kind of like Civilization III or Colonization, since they're both turn based and each city has it's own territory. The game takes place in 1500 A.D. and you can choose which nation you want to be, ex. Spain, France, Great Britain, Portugal, Natives, and the Netherlands. You can play to a set number of points, turns, or a death match. The learning curve is very steep, it doesn't take much time at all to learn what to do. Conquest of the New World has 3 main parts exploring, expanding, and fighting, the last being the best. What I like the most about it are the random maps, which the game creates, that are magnificent. Also when you battle it take you to a different screen with a layout of squares, 3x3, to fight with your opponents. If you liked games like Starcraft, Warcraft, Age of Empires, and the Civilization series you should be able to love this game.
Additional Notes on Conquest of the New World:
If you want to buy it go my buying help page to find a seller, or read my more in-depth review of Conquest of the New World.
Conquest of the New World Central features information and help for CNW.