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Free Donation Directory: Cancer

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The Breast Cancer Site - The Breast Cancer Site is owned by which also owns The Hunger Site. Every click helps to pay for a free mammograms for poor women, about 5-7 are paid for each day.

The Care2 Climb to End Breast Cancer - Each sponsor for Care2's Climb to End Breast Cancer has agreed to donate about $0.005 per click. 100% of the revenue generated will be donated to The Breast Cancer Fund. The Breast Cancer Fund is a national nonprofit organization founded in 1992.

Free Donation - Cancer - Donations go to Mothers Supporting Daughters with Breast Cancer and The Breast Cancer Fund. Each sponsors pay a few cents every time you click. And I'm pretty sure you can click as much as you want.

Information about Cancer

Every year over 1.22 million people find out that they have one form of cancer within them. There are many kinds of cancer; the definition of cancer is 'any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division.' All cells in the human body divide every now and then, to replace worn out and dead cells. Some abnormal cells, however, start to divide more rapidly than the rest. Then the offspring of the abnormal cells also divide more quickly than normal cells. The mass of abnormal cells is called a tumor. It can either be benign or malignant. If the tumor is benign the cells are enclosed in a skin-like membrane that keeps them from spreading to other areas of the body. If the tumor is malignant there isn't a membrane case and the abnormal cells are free to metastasize ( spread to other areas of the body ).

What causes cancer?

Almost anything in very large amounts can cause cancer. Radiation, large amounts of X rays, UV rays from the sun, and carcinogens ( a cancer causing thing ). Cancer caused by carcinogens is the most easily preventable. Any tobacco product, coal tar, soot, asbestos, dyes, some food additives, and many more chemicals and substances are considered carcinogens.

Treatment and Cures

Some cancers are curable, if they are found in time. Chemotherapy, radiation, controlled amounts of X rays, chemicals, and sometimes other carcinogens can help treat or sure cancer. The cost of finding new and effective cures is extremely high. Every site that you go to and click the button will help to find a cure or treatment for a cancer.

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